Who Is Not a Good Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — radiancedent @ 7:17 pm
Man with glasses and light blue shirt thinking

Plenty of patients benefit from having sedation dentistry administered during dental implant surgery. However, while this technology is widely considered safe, it’s also not suitable for every patient. Is sedation dentistry truly a good choice for you? To help you answer this question, here’s a quick look at how it works and why someone may not be a good candidate for it.


4 Uses of Sedation Dentistry Outside of Soothing Anxiety

June 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — radiancedent @ 7:03 pm
Close-up of IV drip for IV sedation

When discussing the advanced technology that your implantologist uses, sedation dentistry might come up. You have likely heard how sedation dentistry can help soothe dental fears – but did you know that it can have other uses as well? Below are 4 examples of ways that sedation dentistry can help patients have a more positive experience when getting dental implants.
