January 22, 2024

Illustration of dental bridge being attached to dental implants

Tooth loss is one of the most devastating dental complications. When tooth loss occurs, most people initially focus on the negative impact that missing teeth have on the appearance of the smile. However, it doesn’t take long for many of these people to realize that tooth loss also compromises oral strength and makes a full range of oral functions more difficult, including biting, chewing, and speaking.

Fortunately, Dr. Mounir Iskandar offers a comprehensive range of dentistry services to restore the health, strength, and function of the smile, including dental bridge treatment. Dental bridges can fill in gaps left by missing teeth to rebuild a beautiful smile while restoring oral health. To find out if you are a good candidate for a dental bridge, contact our Irving, TX practice today.

Dental Bridge Candidates

A dental bridge is a suitable treatment option for patients who have suffered from minor to moderate tooth loss. Dental bridges are used when tooth loss is contained to one area of the mouth, and is surrounded on either side by healthy teeth. A dental bridge spans the gap between the natural teeth to fill in the space left by a missing tooth or a set of missing teeth.

Ideal candidates for a dental bridge are those patients who meet the following criteria:

  • The patient is in good overall oral health
  • The gums are free of infection
  • The teeth immediately adjacent to the gap of missing teeth are strong enough to support dental crowns (for a traditional dental bridge)
  • The jawbone is strong enough to support a dental implant (for an implant-supported bridge)

Which Type of Bridge Is Right for Me?

There are two techniques available for securing a dental bridge. A traditional dental bridge is supported by dental crowns that are bonded to the two natural teeth directly adjacent to the gap of missing teeth. An implant-supported bridge is anchored by titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone.

Some of the considerations that may make a patient a better candidate for one type of dental bridge over the other include:

  • Traditional dental bridge: A traditional dental bridge does not require oral surgery. Treatment is quick, typically requiring just two dental appointments. Patients with strong teeth directly adjacent to the area of missing teeth who prefer a fast and affordable treatment option are likely to be better candidates for a traditional dental bridge.
  • Implant-supported bridge: An implant-supported bridge requires oral surgery to place the dental implant or implants. This results in a longer and more costly treatment process. However, dental implants fuse with the jawbone, so they offer the strongest, most secure replacement for missing teeth. Dental implants also mimic a tooth’s roots; they continue to provide stimulation that promotes the growth of healthy bone tissue. For all of these reasons, dental implants are preferred by many of our patients.

Contact Us

If your smile has been compromised by tooth loss, Dr. Mounir Iskandar can help you rebuild a strong, beautiful smile. To find out if you are an ideal candidate for a dental bridge or one of the alternative tooth loss treatments offered at our dental practice, contact us at your earliest convenience.