June 5, 2023

Concerned woman biting her fingernail

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth at night? Does your bite not line up properly? Do you suffer from TMJ? Are you missing teeth toward the back of your jaw? If they’re not addressed in a timely manner, all of these issues can result in worn-down teeth. Not only do worn teeth cause you to have difficulty eating and drinking, since exposed nerves can lead to sensitivity, but they also leave you vulnerable to more severe dental problems.


In order to avoid future problems and maintain good oral health, it’s essential to repair worn teeth as soon as possible.


For teeth that are severely worn down, dental implants may be a better solution. In this procedure, the worn teeth will be removed and an implant will be securely fastened into your jaw bone. Once the anchor is secure, a crown, bridge, or denture will be placed over it to restore your smile’s functionality and appearance.


If you have several teeth that are worn down, you may benefit from dental bridges. Bridges can function like crowns and simply be placed over worn or damaged teeth, or they can be used in conjunction with implants for a more secure fit.

All-on-Four implants using the latest material in dental technology, XircOn™ , can be used for full mouth restoration. Instead of installing an implant for every missing tooth, XircOn™ 4-6 All-on-Four implants are secured in just four spots in your upper and/or lower jaw, depending on your needs, to allow for a secure, beautiful arch.


Radiance Dentistry is Irving’s premier dental implant provider with a long history of service to our community and the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area. Whether it’s an all-new smile with the

premium brand XircOn™ 4-6 All-on-Four procedure or just a few implants to help keep your teeth at peak performance, we guarantee that we will give you the absolute best smile and care that you could ask for.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation, or visit our website to learn more about what is this new material called XircOn™ ? You can also visit our Youtube channel to hear the doctor talk about this himself!