February 5, 2018

Dentist showing patient X-ray of teeth

Here at Radiance Dentistry, we are proud to offer the people of Irving state-of-the-art treatments for serious dental health problems. When these issues involve missing teeth, that often means considering implant dentistry treatment.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots anchored into place using the natural bone and gum tissue. During the healing process after surgery, osseointegration takes place. This refers to the fusion of the dental implant with the living tissues in a patient’s mouth. This allows the dental implants to be held as stable as possible and support dental appliances of all kinds.

BONE LOSS IS COMMON WHEN PEOPLE ARE MISSING TEETHOne major problem with tooth loss is that it can result in bone loss. When you are missing a tooth, there is no root structure to support, which means that the bone and gum tissue in the area of the tooth gap will begin to recede. If you are missing teeth for a long time, the bone loss can be pronounced, in some cases even affecting the appearance of the lips and cheeks.Thankfully there are solutions to consider that help increase bone density and make people good candidates for dental implants again.ABOUT BONE GRAFT SURGERYBone grafting is a type of oral surgery that restores the density of the jawbone. The surgery uses donor bone or artificial bone grafts to create more bone density. It’s a relatively simple oral surgery procedure, and it can yield excellent results.SOURCES OF BONE GRAFTSAs noted above, donor bone can be used for bone grafting or artificial grafts may be used. There are different potential sources for these bone grafts.      Donor Bone – This refers to bone taken from a patient’s own body. In many cases this means bone from the shin, the hip, chin, or the lower jaw.      Bone from Other Sources – Bone can also be taken from other sources, such as donor bone from cadavers in bone banks or even bone tissue from cows.      Artificial Bone Grafts – In addition to natural bone structure, bone grafting can be accomplished using artificial bone tissue that fuses with natural bone.The best option for you and your needs can be determined during the consultation process.GOOD CANDIDATES FOR BONE GRAFTINGGood candidates for bone grafting are people who have lost bone structure along the jaw as a result of tooth loss and other matters. They should be in good general health in such a way that oral surgery will not pose a potential health risk. All of the risks and benefits can be discussed in full detail during the consultation process.Bone grafting surgery is performed using local anesthetic to reduce pain and discomfort. Patients will also be placed under sedation (typically via IV) in order to prevent anxiety and ensure the patient’s safety.An incision is made along the gum tissue to expose the part of the jawbone that will be built out with a graft. The bone graft is then set in place, with additional grafting material potentially placed to help ensure the success of treatment. The incision is then sealed with sutures for healing.There are other ways that the procedure may be performed depending on the needs of the patient. These can be discussed in greater detail should they be required. HOW LONG WILL RECOVERY FROM BONE GRAFTING TAKERecovery times can vary from patient to patient, typically requiring at least 4 months before the bone graft is strong and properly fused. Some patients may require up to 9 months for recovery. SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION WITH RADIANCE DENTISTRYIf you would like to learn more about implant dentistry and how it can help you have a healthy and beautiful smile, be sure to contact our advanced dental care center today. The team at Radiance Dentistry will work closely with you to help ensure the best possible results and optimal dental wellness.